Aristovoulos Manesis was a prominent constitutional law Professor who died 12 years ago. His students were the founding fathers of the applicant association.
Main aims:
Τhe Association was foundedn in 2001.
Its main aims are:
[to defend the ideas of Prof. Aristovoulos Manesis, namely, democracy and human rights, esp. liberty, and human dignity,
[to promote constitutional studies in Greece through organisation of scientific events
[to cooperate with Constitutional Law Organisations in other countries
[to connect science and studies of constitutional law through student seminars.
Activities :
Since 2001 we have organised 14 2 or 3 days-Conferences. Each of them has taken place in a different town in Greece, as we aim at decentralising our activities. Many 1-day workshops and other scientific meetings have also taken place in Athens and Thessaloniki. Three common meetings of the postgraduate students of both Athens and Thessaloniki Universities have been combined with conferences in order to integrate younger lawyers into our scientific workings.
In our Conferences (although hundreds kilometers away from Athens) more 50-100 take part, not only academics dedicated to Constitutional Law but also Judges of the Council of State and lawyers working for the Ombudsman or other independent agencies, according to the topic discussed each time.
This internet site contains the most important constitutional law articles, both published or to be published in legal journals, and original ones, and informs about developments in constitutional law. This site substituted an older blog, aiming at discussion and information (http://www.manesis.blogspot.com)
Number of members :
Formaly there only 15 members of the legal entity (non-profit society of civil law), but around and next to this legal personality, there is an (non-formal) organisation of more than 35 members. This organisational scheme allows us to be flexible and liberal in the way we function.
Name and position of Chief Office Bearer
Antonis Manitakis
Emeritus Professor of Constitutional Law
Faculty of Law – Aristotle University of Thessaloniki – Greece
Email: amanitas@otenet.gr
Secretary : Nikos Alivizatos,
Professor of Constitutional Law, National University of Athens
E-mail: val12law@otenet.gr